PROJECT : Installation of Subsea 28” Hot Tap at EJGP Pipeline
CLIENT : PT. Meindo Elang Indah
LOCATION : MAC Field, Madura Sea
The Mock-up activity begins by discussion between diving team, client and vendor for coating application on the bare pipe. The first Mock-up activity was Mock-up application of STOPAQ wrap on the bare pipe.
Then diving team conducted Mock-up of installation of hinge and Mock-up installation of Hot Tap clamp then hydratight the body bolts and collet bolts.

The last activity was Mock-up tapping on 28” bare pipe then de-hydratight the collet bolts and body bolts. After completion of Mock-up, diving team mobilized to offshore MAC Field for Hot Tap project execution onboard EP300 using Saturation Diving Spread (SAT-8).
Advanced Offshore Services has completed the Hot Tap project in a satisfactory manner with zero incident on 14th May 2023 and accepted by PT. Meindo Elang Indah for use on Provision for Saturation and Air Diving Services for MAC Field Development Project Husky-CNOOC Madura Ltd.